CA: ( 7Aj9AUfnwPjXFSrWRVUbRFFgzgWa3oHW6rLeAgcvaoUT )
Our first company meme token is not on the market and we will be having a pre-sale. Long term investors will be able to pre-purchase tokens prior to the regular launch date.
AirDrop and Pre-sale tokens that are “staked” will receive additional rewards. Stage 1 investors will have the ability to stake their tokens for additional rewards as well. This will provide long term investors a premium return on their initial investment. This will also reduce quick sale or pump ‘n dump investors.
We will use stage #1 proceeds to fund the pool and set our initial price at $0.0001.
The pool LST tokens will be burned.
Treasury tokens from Stage 1 will be locked in the Raydium pool, with strategic airdrops happening after launch to prevent immediate price dumps. Real community supporters are expected to maintain their holdings and help us progress through Stage 2.
Our object is to maintain price while increasing:
Stage #2 Pre-Sale Staking
Pre-sale investors who stake their tokens prior to the regular launch date of TBD ( Q2/2025 ), for a minimum of 200 days will be eligible for:
Note: All staked tokens must be held for the full 200 day period to qualify for these benefits.
Pre-Sale Launch:
Regular Launch and Raydium Pool Creation:
The ChillXand project has been developed by independent Xandeum community enthusiasts and is not affiliated with the Xandeum project directly or indirectly